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Maud Perbos: Coming Into Service

With love. With care. With intentionality. With play.

And a spritz of naughtiness!

A month ago we closed our first retreat.

What a amazing and profound experience it has been to be co-facilitating this adventure of

diving deep into our souls and embodying ourselves through the wisdom of Yoga, Eros, Kink and Shibari .

What we aimed at was to simply, but not short of, becoming as close as we could to our wholeness, to love ourselves in all aspects. The dirty, the holy, the good, the bad, the shameful, the respectful....reuniting the illusion of our fragmented selves.

With love. With care. With intentionality. With play. And a spritz of naughtiness!

What came through was beyond expectations.

The work of years to hold myself in the motion of pain, pleasure and suffering, navigating the underworld of shadows and their wisdom, devoting to truth, love, and praying to serve, finally came to fruition. What a joy to alchemize with two other highly skilled wizards and bow to the nakedness of beings making the plea to coming closer to themselves.

I dissolved , I loved , unconditionally.

I felt like a mother, only wishing to be passing on expansion, sovereignty , freedom and empowerment.

I felt like a student , ever questioning my teaching, intention, integrity, but without doubting, rooted in the trust that love was guiding me.

I felt like a devotee of a wisdom way bigger that my mind can even comprehend, simply leaving the way for it to move through me, and surrendering to it despite the fears.

Service is one of the highest form i have found so far in understanding that there is no such a thing as a "me", that i m only here as a vessel for expansion to happen.

I cannot thank enough all the wonderful humans who decided to trust us, fully and authentically cracking themselves open. We shared our stories, our insecurities and desires with immense courage , celebrating our perfect imperfections, our humanness.


Witnessing vulnerability is my kink ... So Thank you for the huge turn on.

Immense gratitude and thanks from the depth of my soul to Leela DeLieto and Sascha Achner for being the perfect imperfect playpartners in that crazy but meaningful adventure, challenging me in facing my deepest fears of failure and perfectionism .

You showed me that i don't need to be on my own anymore in creating , that we can flow between structure and intuition, that the path is the work , that we can grow together and offer our true self to each other.

I am realizing that my sole purpose is to be holding my human family into becoming fully one, guiding, teaching and sharing the wisdom of what I have and continue to experience on my own healing journey.

And I am good at it .

If you want to experience your very own journey into Holistic Kink, find our next retreat here: Holistic Kink Retreats.

Pictures by Leela Delieto & Sascha Achner

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